A-Town Get Down Kickoff Set for February 25th at Service Brewing

A-Town Get Down Kickoff Set for February 25th at Service Brewing

Savannah’s 7th Annual A-Town Get Down Art & Music Festival is returning on March 25, and to celebrate, A-Town is hosting a kickoff celebration at Service Brewing on February 25, exactly one month before the big festival. The kickoff event will take place on...
A-Town Get Down Art & Music Festival Announces 2017 Lineup

A-Town Get Down Art & Music Festival Announces 2017 Lineup

Savannah’s 7th Annual A-Town Get Down Art & Music Festival heads to its new location on Indian Street on Saturday, March 25, bringing 12 hours of inspiration to attendees of all ages. The festival’s new location on Indian Street under the bridge allows for larger...


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